Capital Region OBGYN
711 Troy Schenectady Road | Suite 205 | , NY | Latham, NY 12110
When should I call the office?
What Medications are Safe in Pregnancy?
- Headache - Tylenol, Excedrin ( before 36 weeks)
- Heartburn- Tums, Maalox, Mylenta, Pepcid
- Constipation- dietary fiber, Colace, Dulcolax
- Suppositories
- Nausea - ginger, Unisom 1/2 tab with Vitamin B6 every 6-8 hrs as needed
- Insomnia- Unisom, Benadryl
- Allergies- Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra, Benadryl
- Fever - Tylenol, Tylenol cold
- Congestion- decongestants, saline nasal spray
- Sore throat- gargle with warm salt water or Cepacol lozenges
- Cough- Robitussin
- Diarrhea- Immodium, Keopectate
- Hemorrhoids - Preparation-H, Tucks